Erik Zitzermann

Graphic-UI-UX-Interaction Designer / Art Director / Photographer / Creative Coder / Web3 Enthusiast / Surfer / Lover.

Selected work

Generative Grids

Personal Work

Buy Diverse

Client Work

Surf Mémoires

Personal Work

Stateside Website

Client Work


Personal Work

Altarea website

Client Work

Orange Business Lounge

Client Work

Club Med website

Client Work

Companies where I worked

Schematic, Possible, Altima° / Accenture Interactive, currently working at Stateside.

Clients that I worked for

Disney, Dell, WWE, Powerade, Target, Danon, General Motors, Mazda, Microsoft, NFL, CNN, Petit Bateau, Bank of America, ING, Club Med, Orange.

Tools I use most of the time

Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects and Principle.

Coding and programming

HTML, CSS, Javascript.